Copy section to paste in a different presentation
Cody Riggins
This would be great! If I could save presentation features like we do songs or games from one presentation to another, like a personal template.
Nathan Troike
I'll pile on here. This would be a huge time savings. The media board helps in reusing material, but a copy and paste of a whole section to another presentation would be big.
Steve Cullum
This or save the announcement loop in a database that you can easily pull into another presentation (similar to Pro Presenter and other presentation software like that).
Cooper Miller
This or the save section feature would be beautiful
Nicholas Hershey
This would be a huge help. I re-create announcement slides as well.
On Google Slides they have an import feature where you can bring in slides from any other presentation
Justin Goheen
Same gig for the wheel - we do a birthday wheel each week and its just the same items. It would be nice to not have to remake it every week.