DYM Game Integration
Mari Trapp
Scott Tinman
Just checked out the DYM Integration and LOVE It! Great job putting the files into different categories of Games, Countdowns, Videos and other. I know it is a lot to be able to do to have all of DYM Resources available so is it the plan to have resources from now on DYM Integrated? Might be a server issue too. If we can get that same type of file folders for our own media library that would be awesome r way to create our own folders/library. As well as being able to delete media files from our folder
Mari Trapp
in progress
Matt Marchand
Total Agreement on the both/and... I don't want youth to be pressured to have devices to fit into the fun, but my older kids just have them.
Okay, Dead Cat, with phone voting... Would be a whole new world of awesome. Yes, I would like to recommend to the development team that they integrate it much the same way as CCI and Coleader, i.e. that we can simply drag and drop or search and load. This would certainly reduce duplication of server storage if the "In Network" stuff was stored "Once for all" and access was controlled by user. Not to beg for ways to pay you more, but it might be an excellent feature to be able to use DYM credits directly from the search bar.
Tim Ritter
Matt Marchand
We make edits to many of the games and add or remove items, brand some things differently. I would not support a once for all type storage.
Linking a Google drive is a free or cheap option for each user's storage to be located off dym servers and could also allow some of those files to be synced locally and run without internet connection.
Nick Delja
Would you all be interesting in having the games setup so your youth could use their phones to vote where applicable? Or would you rather the slides just be available as if imported in a presentation software like you do now.
Will Lanman
Nick Delja: could we have both 😂 I think the phone option shouldn’t be the only option because, half my middle schoolers don’t have devices. Having the option to have a game with the choice (almost like when you all advertised that certain games had sidekick files) I think would be a blessing. But to start, just having the library available would be great.
Justin Schultz
Nick Delja: The both option sounds pretty awesome! 😅 It almost brings it to Jackbox level having the phone option, but I’ve definitely had the “lots of kids don’t have a device issue as well..
Just used Legacy tonight to do slides, games, and countdowns. Heavy lifting for the Christmas party!
Andrew Hartman
Mathew Hargett
Yes right now it's very time consuming to use my dym games in sidekick, and I have a game that uses videos it doesn't work with the new sidekick.
Robbie Smith
Micah Kitchen
Yes please! We need this desperately! I was excited to see that we can advance slides and such from the new Sidekick, but was disappointed when all the screen games that I have don't work with it currently. Unless I take the time to import just the slides. But I would love control of even the wheel, feud style games, etc.
Justin Schultz
I’d expand that and make it most if not all content available at DYM. (Social Media packs excluded. 😉)
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